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HACCP Manager Training

Gain the ability to think and act independently as a "HACCP manager"

Food Science and Technology Agency approved curriculum

A practical and concrete training style using food manufacturing videos and many examples

1日目“基礎”+ 2日目“実践”+ 3日目“強化” の3ステップアップで世界に通じるHACCPの構築を目指せます

Easy-to-understand explanation using framework thinking (for the basic course, we present the book "Learn HACCP through framework thinking")

The method of reviewing the HACCP system will be strengthened through intensive explanations of "Step 11 Verification" and "Step 12 Recording" that are useful for organizational improvement.

The latest information on food safety can be used to plan mid- to long-term quality strategies.

A curriculum that complies with the 2020 edition of the Codex Alimentarius Commission's "General Principles of Food Hygiene" and the requirements of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's "Persons deemed to have a reasonable level of knowledge of the HACCP system "

Our experienced instructors, who have experience in many food manufacturing sites, will provide clear and friendly instruction.


Graduates will be able to play an active role as HACCP managers, including those who meet the following requirements:

* The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's Director-General's Notice and other regulations stipulate that "persons who have acquired a sufficient level of knowledge regarding HACCP are required" as a prerequisite for introducing HACCP.

(Notifications No. 31 and No. 36 of February 3, 1997)
* In the "Guidelines for Voluntary Management of Imported Processed Foods," HACCP is also required for the manufacture of seafood exported to Europe and the United States. * Companies aiming to obtain ISO22000 certification are required to have a HACCP manager within their organization. * This corresponds to the three-day course that is a qualification requirement for ISO22000 auditors, etc.

Past Events

Number of participants to date: 775

Web型 44回

対面型 41回(東京20、大阪9、博多4、仙台3、沖縄3、札幌1、新潟1)


Course Overview


第1日  “基礎コース”
  ◯ HACCPによる衛生管理、取組む意義、最新動向
  ◯ HACCPシステムで管理対象となる危害要因
  ◯ HACCPに取組むための準備段階

  ◯ HACCPシステムの構造、導入の具体的手順
  ◯ 作業手順書と記録類

第2日  “実践コース”
  ◯ HACCPによる衛生管理
  ◯ HACCP導入の具体的手順 準備段階
  ◯ HACCP導入の具体的手順 構成要素
  ◯ 動画を用いたHACCP文書作成演習(1)

第3日  “強化コース”
  ◯ 動画を用いたHACCP文書作成演習(2)
  ◯ HACCPシステムにおける検証の位置づけ
  ◯ 動画を用いた実例に学ぶHACCP検証者のスキル
  ◯ 修了試験、総括

If you take the course online, your certificate will be sent to you at a later date.

*Basic, practical and advanced courses can be taken separately.

* Curriculum and prices are subject to change without notice.


Upcoming Events



Group type event undecided

*If you would like to take the course on a schedule other than 3 consecutive days, please contact us via the inquiry page with your desired date and course before applying.

◯月◯日と◯日「2,3日目:実践+強化コースのみ受講」 など

*We do not accept applications from other businesses, such as consultants or educational and training institutions.

If you make a mistake in your application or transfer, we will refund the amount minus the transfer fee.


3日間通し 72,600円(税込)

Per person


- Course fee breakdown (excluding tax): 1st day only "Basic course" 20,000 yen *No certificate of completion, book provided

2nd day only "Practical Course" 22,000 yen *No certificate of completion

3rd day only "Intensive Course" 24,000 yen *Certificate of completion issued (shipping included)


- 10% consumption tax: 1st day only "Basic course" 2,000 yen

2nd day only "Practical Course" 2,200 yen

3rd day only "Intensive Course" 2,400 yen

※Please cover the bank transfer fee.

*Our center is a tax-exempt business under the invoice system, so we do not issue invoice receipts.

*We do not issue quotations or invoices.

※The bank transfer statement will serve as a receipt.

*The above prices are per person.


*If you would like to take the course for any other period than three consecutive days, please contact us.

*A certificate of completion will be issued upon completion of the entire curriculum.

*Co-hosted with the Food Science and Technology Agency


*We will not accept applications from other businesses, such as consultants or educational training institutions.

*Web-based sessions will be closed when a maximum of 12 people are registered.


Target Audience

・Those who are working on HACCP from now on ・Those who are working on ISO 22000 or FSSC 22000 but want to review their HACCP system again ・Those who want to improve the capabilities of their food safety team ・Those who want to study in advance for the " Preventive Controls Qualified Person PCQI Qualification Training " in preparation for a US FDA inspection



*The text will be sent to your specified address.

If the address you entered during application is different from the shipping address, please contact us via the inquiry page.

Applications will close one week before the event.

*Please note that it will take longer than usual (3 days or more) to reach remote islands, so please apply/pay well in advance.

* Depending on the weather and traffic conditions, it may take longer.

*Please note that you will be responsible for the actual shipping costs for overseas shipping.

When taking classes

Please bring a computer with a camera and microphone as there will be group exercises.


*Items to prepare

  • One computer per participant (Please refrain from using smartphones and tablets)

  • A stable internet connection

  • Microphone, webcam, and speakers for video calling

  • Web conferencing system used: Zoom
    (We recommend using the app, but you can also join using a browser.)

  • Recommended OS: Windows 10 or later, MacOS 10.13 or later

  • Recommended browsers: We recommend the latest version of any browser.
    Google Chrome (recommended), Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari (MacOS only)

  • Recommended communication speed: 1.0 Mbps (receiving) or higher, 0.6 Mbps (transmitting) or higher

  • Although a WiFi connection (wireless LAN) is possible, a wired LAN connection is recommended for a more stable connection.
    Please note that when using WiFi, data usage will vary depending on your environment, but you can expect to use approximately 600MB of data per hour.

*Please refer to the video linked below for how to join a Zoom meeting . How to join a meeting (external link)

Please check here for the test connection setting method. Click here for the explanation of the test connection (external link)

Please test the connection in advance using the link below . Test connection is here (external link).


*This training can be conducted by dispatching instructors as in-house training.

*Upon request, we can also inspect the factory facilities and follow up on the documents you have prepared at a later date.

We also recommend that you take the Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI) training course at the same time.

We will support you in more effectively promoting your business activities both domestically and overseas by providing a comprehensive understanding of the latest food safety management regulations and further enhancing your practical ability to respond to risks.


今城 敏(いまなりさとし)

Food Safety Technology Center

Visiting Professor, Niigata University of Food and Agriculture

Visiting Researcher, Ritsumeikan University

He is an expert in food safety technology, with a particular focus on microbiological quality assurance.

As a microbiologist and quality assurance manager at a major food manufacturer, he utilizes his knowledge of predictive microbiology in detection and control technologies for food microorganisms and sterilization engineering to set and validate conditions for heat sterilization of tea beverages, canned coffee, retort foods, etc., and evaluate them through challenge tests using suspected harmful bacteria such as botulinum.

Currently, while training a large number of HACCP managers and PCQI preventive management qualified individuals, he emphasizes the importance of establishing solid scientific evidence.

We support the visualization of trust through the accumulation of food safety measures based on scientific evidence and the development of human resources who can take responsibility for food safety.

They also provide advice such as suggesting improvements to formulations to increase shelf life and reviewing hygiene management to improve profits.

Advisor to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries FCP, Advisor to the Tokyo Keiken-in Foundation, Principal Auditor for ISO 22000 (IRCA), etc.

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