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Practical HACCP construction support
✔ 講習会 : さまざまな食品安全のテーマに対応
Theme) Latest trends in food safety
実例 : 信頼できるHACCP管理 ~検証と改善~
Theme) Establishment of a crisis management system
✔ In addition to document creation support, we also help you build a PDCA cycle by reviewing your plans and structures.
Step1 現状分析(現地視察とヒアリング)
Step2 ハザード分析支援
Step3 HACCPシステム構築支援
Step4 システム運用の定期的検証と改善支援
✔ 1-2 day intensive course/based on your company's products
→ In addition to basic explanations , exercises based on your company's products
Therefore, you can easily create a HACCP plan for your own products and put it into operation immediately.
"HACCP Manager Training" can be held at the location of your choice.
✔ 御社の商品を題材にしたHACCP書類の作成演習にカスタマイズできます
✔ 基礎コースと実践コース、それぞれ日を分けて受講できます
✔ いつものメンバー同士だから聞きにくい衛生管理の悩みも解決できます
✔ 現場点検も合わせて行い指摘箇所の写真を見ながら改善提案もできます
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